MAX7219 Digit Display

The max7219 display platform allows you to use MAX7219 digit with ESPHome. Please note that this component is only for the digit “matrix” display, for the 7 segment display see MAX7219 7-Segment Display.


MAX7219 Digit Display.

As the communication with the MAX7219 Digit is done using SPI for this component, you need to have an SPI bus in your configuration with both the mosi_pin set (miso_pin is not required). Connect VCC to 3.3V (the manufacturer recommends 4+ V, but 3.3V seems to work fine), DIN to your mosi_pin and CS to your set cs_pin and finally GND to GND.

You can even daisy-chain multiple MAX7219s by connecting the DOUT of the previous chip in the chain to the next DIN. With more than ~3 chips the 3.3V will probably not be enough, so then you will have to potentially use a logic level converter.

# Example configuration entry
  clk_pin: D0
  mosi_pin: D1

  - platform: max7219digit
    cs_pin: D2
    num_chips: 4
    intensity: 15
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 0, id(digit_font), "HELLO!");

Configuration variables:

  • cs_pin (Required, Pin Schema): The pin you have the CS line hooked up to.

  • num_chips (Optional, int): The number of chips you wish to use for daisy chaining. Defaults to 4.

  • rotate_chip (Optional): Rotates every 8x8 chip. Valid values are 0, 90, 180 and 270. Defaults to 0.

  • scroll_enable (Optional, boolean): Turn scroll mode on when content does not fit. Defaults to true.

  • scroll_mode (Optional): Set the scroll mode. One of CONTINUOUS or STOP. Defaults to CONTINUOUS

    • CONTINUOUS: Always scrolls and the text repeats continuously, you might need to add some separation at the end.

    • STOP: When text is over it waits the scroll_dwell time and scroll is set back to the start.

  • scroll_speed (Optional, Time): Set scroll speed. Defaults to 250ms

  • scroll_delay (Optional, Time): Set delay time before scroll starts. Defaults to 1s.

  • scroll_dwell (Optional, Time): Sets the wait time at the end of the scroll before starting over. This is only used in mode STOP. Defaults to 1s.

  • reverse_enable (Optional, boolean): For some displays the order of the displays is reversed (“DCBA”). This option will reverse the display to (“ABCD”) again. Defaults to false.

  • intensity (Optional, int): The intensity with which the MAX7219 should drive the outputs. Range is from 0, least intense to 15 the brightest. Defaults to 15.

  • lambda (Optional, lambda): The lambda to use for rendering the content on the MAX7219. See Rendering Lambda for more information.

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to re-draw the screen. Defaults to 1s.

  • spi_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the SPI Component if you want to use multiple SPI buses.

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.

  • num_chip_lines (Optional, int): Number of lines if you want to use the displays in Multiline Mode. Defaults to 1 Example:

  • chip_lines_style (Optional): How are the lines in Multiline Mode connected? Possible values are zigzag and snake. Defaults to snake

  • flip_x (Optional, boolean): Flip the horizontal axis on the screen. Defaults to false.

Rendering Lambda

The MAX7219 digit is based on the fully fledged Display Rendering Engine, as it has a concept of individual pixels 8 X 8 per max7219 chip. In the lambda you’re passed a variable called it as with all other displays. Some “Special” commands have been added to the basic display set.

  - platform: max7219digit
    cs_pin: D8
    num_chips: 4
    lambda: |-
      it.strftime(0, 0, id(digit_font), "%H:%M", id(hass_time).now());
      it.image(24, 0, id(my_image));
      it.line(1, 7, 21, 7);
  - file: "pixelmix.ttf"
    id: digit_font
    size: 6

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: hass_time

  - file: "smile.png"
    id: my_image

This is roughly the code used to display the MAX7219 pictured in the image.


By default the MAX7219Digit display has scroll enabled. The parameters can be set in the YAML file. They can also be changed in the Lambda by adding the following command:

it.scroll(<on/off>, <mode>, <speed>, <delay>, <dwell>);
  • on/off -> switch scrolling on or off, use true or false

  • mode -> max7219digit::CONTINUOUS for continuous scrolling, max7219digit::STOP = Stop at end and reset

  • speed -> Set speed of scrolling (ms for every step of one dot)

  • delay -> pause time at start of scrolling

  • dwell -> pause at end of scrolling (only in mode 1)

  - platform: max7219digit
    # ...
    lambda: |-
      # ...
      it.scroll(true, max7219digit::CONTINUOUS, 100, 5000, 1500);
      // OR
      it.scroll(true, max7219digit::CONTINUOUS);
      // OR
  • The screen does not scroll if the text fits within the screen.

  • printdigit("...") and printdigitf("...") the alternative way of displaying text does not scroll

Screen inversion

  - platform: max7219digit
    # ...
    lambda: |-
      // Print Hello at position 0 (left)
      it.print(0,0, id(digit_font), "Hello!");

The function it.invert_on_off(true); will invert the display. So background pixels are on and texts pixels are off. it.invert_on_off(false); sets the display back to normal. In case no argument is used: it.invert_on_off(); the inversion will toggle from on to off or visa versa. This will happen every time the display is updated. So a blinking effect is created. The background pixels are only set at the next update, the pixels drawn in the various function like print, line, etc. are directly influenced by the invert command.

  - platform: max7219digit
    # ...
    lambda: |-
      // Print Hello at position 0 (left)
      it.print(0,0, id(digit_font), "Hello!");
      it.line(0, 0, 31, 7, COLOR_OFF);

This code will only affect the line drawn on the screen. The line will wipe the pixels from top left to right bottom. The background is not affected.

Screen intensity

The intensity of the screen can be set “dynamically” within the lambda code with the following command: it.intensity(0 .. 15).

  - platform: max7219digit
    # ...
    lambda: |-

Screen ON/OFF

The display can be switched on and off “dynamically” within the lambda code with the following command: it.turn_on_off(true or false).

  - platform: max7219digit
    # ...
    lambda: |-

For a quick display some additional commands are embedded in the code with a related 8 pixel font. Three methods (printdigit, printdigitf and strftimedigit) can be used for displaying characters. Each 8 X 8 grid is used to display a single character. So not very space efficient. The format of the command is: it.printdigit("1234"); or it.printdigitf("%s","1234");

Please see Formatted Text for a quick introduction into the printf formatting rules and Displaying Time for an introduction into the strftime time formatting.

See Also