Deep Sleep Component

The deep_sleep component can be used to automatically enter a deep sleep mode on the ESP8266/ESP32 after a certain amount of time. This is especially useful with nodes that operate on batteries and therefore need to conserve as much energy as possible.

To use deep_sleep first specify how long the node should be active, i.e. how long it should check sensor values and report them, using the run_duration option.

Next, tell the node how it should wakeup. On the ESP8266, you can only put the node into deep sleep for a duration using sleep_duration, note that on the ESP8266 GPIO16 must be connected to the RST pin so that it will wake up again. On the ESP32, you additionally have the option to wake up on any RTC pin (GPIO0, GPIO2, GPIO4, GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO14, GPIO15, GPIO25, GPIO26, GPIO27, GPIO32, GPIO39).

While in deep sleep mode, the node will not do any work and not respond to any network traffic, even Over The Air updates. If the device’s entities are appearing as Unavailable while your device is actively sleeping, this component was likely added after the device was added to Home Assistant. To prevent this behavior, you can remove and re-add the device in Home Assistant.

# Example configuration entry
  run_duration: 10s
  sleep_duration: 10min


Some ESP8266s have an onboard USB chip (e.g. D1 mini) on the chips’ control line that is connected to the RST pin. This enables the flasher to reboot the ESP when required. This may interfere with deep sleep on some devices and prevent the ESP from waking when it’s powered through its USB connector. Powering the ESP from a separate 3.3V source connected to the 3.3V pin and GND will solve this issue. In these cases, using a USB to TTL adapter will allow you to log ESP activity.

Configuration variables:

  • run_duration (Optional, Time): The time duration the node should be active, i.e. run code.

    Only on ESP32, instead of time, it is possible to specify run duration according to the wakeup reason from deep-sleep:

    • default (Required, Time): default run duration for timer wakeup and any unspecified wakeup reason.

    • gpio_wakeup_reason (Optional, Time): run duration if woken up by GPIO.

    • touch_wakeup_reason (Optional, Time): run duration if woken up by touch.

  • sleep_duration (Optional, Time): The time duration to stay in deep sleep mode.

  • touch_wakeup (Optional, boolean): Only on ESP32. Use a touch event to wakeup from deep sleep. To be able to wakeup from a touch event, Binary Sensor must be configured properly.

  • wakeup_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): Only on ESP32. A pin to wake up to once in deep sleep mode. Use the inverted property to wake up to LOW signals.

  • wakeup_pin_mode (Optional): Only on ESP32. Specify how to handle waking up from a wakeup_pin if the wakeup pin is already in the state with which it would wake up when attempting to enter deep sleep. See ESP32 Wakeup Pin Mode. Defaults to IGNORE

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.

Advanced features:

  • esp32_ext1_wakeup (Optional): Use the EXT1 wakeup source of the ESP32 to wake from deep sleep to wake up on multiple pins. This cannot be used together with wakeup pin.

    • pins (Required, list of pin numbers): The pins to wake up on.

    • mode (Required): The mode to use for the wakeup source. Must be one of ALL_LOW (wake up when all pins go LOW) or ANY_HIGH (wake up when any pin goes HIGH).


Only one deep sleep component may be configured.

ESP32 Wakeup Pin Mode

On the ESP32, you have the option of waking up on any RTC pin. However, there’s one scenario that you need to tell ESPHome how to handle: What if the wakeup pin is already in the state with which it would wake up when the deep sleep should start? There are three ways of handling this using the wakeup_pin_mode option:

  • IGNORE (Default): Ignore the fact that we will immediately exit the deep sleep mode because the wakeup pin is already active.

  • KEEP_AWAKE: Keep the ESP32 awake while the wakeup pin is still active. Or in other words: defer the activation of the deep sleep until the wakeup pin is no longer active.

  • INVERT_WAKEUP: When deep sleep was set up to wake up on a HIGH signal, but the wakeup pin is already HIGH, then re-configure deep sleep to wake up on a LOW signal and vice versa. Useful in situations when you want to use observe the state changes of a pin using deep sleep and the ON/OFF values last longer.

ESP32 Wakeup Cause

On the ESP32, the esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause() function can be used to check which wakeup source has triggered wakeup from sleep mode.

  - platform: template
    name: "Wakeup Cause"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    lambda: return esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause();
The following integers are the wakeup causes:
  • 0 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_UNDEFINED: In case of deep sleep, reset was not caused by exit from deep sleep

  • 1 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ALL: Not a wakeup cause, used to disable all wakeup sources with esp_sleep_disable_wakeup_source

  • 2 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT0: Wakeup caused by external signal using RTC_IO

  • 3 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1: Wakeup caused by external signal using RTC_CNTL

  • 4 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TIMER: Wakeup caused by timer

  • 5 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TOUCHPAD: Wakeup caused by touchpad

  • 6 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ULP: Wakeup caused by ULP program

  • 7 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_GPIO: Wakeup caused by GPIO (light sleep only on ESP32, S2 and S3)

  • 8 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_UART: Wakeup caused by UART (light sleep only)

  • 9 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_WIFI: Wakeup caused by WIFI (light sleep only)

  • 10 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_COCPU: Wakeup caused by COCPU int

  • 11 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_COCPU_TRAP_TRIG: Wakeup caused by COCPU crash

  • 12 - ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_BT: Wakeup caused by BT (light sleep only)

deep_sleep.enter Action

This action makes the given deep sleep component enter deep sleep immediately.

    - deep_sleep.enter:
        id: deep_sleep_1
        sleep_duration: 20min

# ESP32 can sleep until a specific time of day.
    - deep_sleep.enter:
        id: deep_sleep_1
        until: "16:00:00"
        time_id: sntp_id

Configuration options:

  • sleep_duration (Optional, templatable, Time): The time duration to stay in deep sleep mode.

  • until (Optional, string): The time of day to wake up. Only on ESP32.

  • time_id (Optional, ID): The ID of the time component to use for the until option. Only on ESP32.

deep_sleep.prevent Action

This action prevents the given deep sleep component from entering deep sleep. Useful for keeping the ESP active during data transfer or OTA updating (See note below for more information).

    - deep_sleep.prevent: deep_sleep_1


For example, if you want to upload a binary via OTA with deep sleep mode it can be difficult to catch the ESP being active.

You can use this automation to automatically prevent deep sleep when a MQTT message on the topic livingroom/ota_mode is received. Then, to do the OTA update, just use a MQTT client to publish a retained MQTT message described below. When the node wakes up again it will no longer enter deep sleep mode and you can upload your OTA update.

Remember to turn “OTA mode” off again after the OTA update by sending a MQTT message with the payload OFF. To enter the deep sleep again after the OTA update send a message on the topic livingroom/sleep_mode with payload ON. Deep sleep will start immediately. Don’t forget to delete the payload before the node wakes up again.

  # ...
  id: deep_sleep_1
  # ...
    - topic: livingroom/ota_mode
      payload: 'ON'
        - deep_sleep.prevent: deep_sleep_1
    - topic: livingroom/sleep_mode
      payload: 'ON'
        - deep_sleep.enter: deep_sleep_1

deep_sleep.allow Action

This action allows the given deep sleep component to enter deep sleep, after previously being prevented.

    - deep_sleep.allow: deep_sleep_1

See Also