ST7735 Display

ST7735 Display Driver.


The ST7735 component allows you to use a ST7735 display (datasheet and information, Adafruit) in ESPHome. It uses the SPI Bus for communication.


ST7735 Display


This component has been made redundant since the ST7735 is now supported by the ILI9XXX component. It is recommended that you use the ili9xxx component as it will be maintained, whereas this component may not be, or may be removed completely in the future. If migrating from this component to ili9xxx you may need to set the dimensions: option to specify the screen size and offsets in the ili9xxx config.

There are numerous board types out there. Some initialize differently as well. This driver will take a few options to narrow down the right settings.

# Example configuration entry
  - platform: st7735
    model: "INITR_18BLACKTAB"
    reset_pin: D4
    cs_pin: D1
    dc_pin: D2
    rotation: 0
    device_width: 128
    device_height: 160
    col_start: 0
    row_start: 0
    eight_bit_color: true
    update_interval: 5s

Configuration variables:

  • model (Required, string): The model to use, one of the following options:




    • INITR_MINI160X80



  • cs_pin (Required, Pin Schema): The CS pin.

  • dc_pin (Required, Pin Schema): The DC pin.

  • device_width (Required, int): The device width. 128 is default

  • device_height (Required, int): The device height. 160 is default

  • col_start (Required, int): The starting column offset. Default value depends on model.

  • row_start (Required, int): The starting row offset. Default value depends on model.

  • use_bgr (Optional, boolean): Use BGR mode. Default is false.

  • invert_colors (Optional, boolean): Invert LCD colors. Default is false.

  • eight_bit_color (Optional, boolean): 8bit mode. Default is false. This saves 50% of the buffer required for the display.

  • reset_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): The RESET pin.

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): Time between display updates. Default is 1s.

Memory notes:

  • 8Bit color saves 50% of the buffer required.

  • eight_bit_color: true 160x128 = 20480 Important for memory constrained devices

  • eight_bit_color: false 160x128x2 = 40960





  • INITR_MINI160X80



See Also