FT5X06 Touch Screen Controller

The ft5x06 touchscreen platform allows using the touch screen controllers based on the ft5x06 chip with ESPHome. The I²C is required to be set up in your configuration for this touchscreen to work.

This controller is used in the Seeed Studio Sensecap Indicator.


ft5x06 touchscreen in Seeed Studio Sensecap Indicator.

Base Touchscreen Configuration

# Example configuration entry
  platform: ft5x06
  id: my_touchscreen

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually set the ID of this touchscreen.

  • rotation (Optional): Set the rotation of the touchscreen. By default this will be set to match the display associated with the touchscreen, but this allows more control. Choices are 0, 90, 180 and 270.

  • interrupt_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): The GPIO pin to use as the interrupt pin. This pin is used to detect when the touchscreen has new data available. If not set, the touchscreen will be polled instead of using interrupts.

  • All other options from Touchscreen.

See Also